The Mentor Finally has a Little Time to Herself.




What do you think about this? Does this intrigue you?

Being interviewed over the telephone before my first midterm

I stumbled upon this article while I was, let’s be honest, going through a Google search (I feel kind of ashamed for saying this) on myself. Hey, it’s nice to know what’s on the internet about yourself. This article was written by a Richmond reporter after I, when I was 18, volunteered at the Science World exhibition that Dr. Catherine Anderson was a part of. Needless to say, I did not know how to be interviewed (notice all the stumbles and repetitions in my answers). It was my first interview for the media and let’s not go into my television interview. What I am trying to get to here is that nobody is really 100% prepared for these things. I was told that I would be interviewed and I was waiting for it but at that moment, when the reporter is scribbling down every single word  I said or when the camera was right in front of my face, I froze. It happened so fast, I cannot even recall what really happened or what was being questioned. It just made me realize that, boy, I really need to practice my public speaking skills. I really need to talk with more strangers. And what is the perfect remedy to this? By volunteering more! (Darnit! There was a catch to this freestyle post! She’s putting motivational stuff into this!)

Ok, I’ve talked enough, time for the article: (please do not mind the picture… and yes.. that is me..)

Article about me!

This is not a “brag post” where I boast about what I have accomplished or that I was interviewed. What I wish for you all is to learn from my flaws and hopefully, when you get interviewed, you will be even more prepared!

C.G.P. Grey: Digital Aristotle

Very Very VERY interesting and mind turning video on education:

Pumpktris: A Working Tetris Game Inside a Pumpkin

It may be a tad late for Halloween, but this idea is both creative and intriguing.

After more than 12 hours of work, 128 LEDs, and 313 solder joints, a man named Nathan from his website, created a working tetris game inside of a pumpkin.

Nathan is an engineer and a programmer, and he works on projects such as these on his free time. His musings often turn into interesting and creative toys and gadgets.
The game itself seems very responsive, and Nathan’s feat is quite impressive as he programmed the diodes and the game by himself.
In the article shown below, Nathan explains how he constructed the tetris game shown in the video above.

-Jonathan Frydman

Is she a she or is she a he or is she a he/she?

Credits: Vlogbrothers (yay!)

It is so complicated but yet such a beautiful thing. From this, I want you all to love yourself no matter what others think of you. Most importantly, I want you to love yourself no matter what you think you should be. You are you and there should be no other reason why I do not love you for you!

Ok, let’s cut the corn out of this. The reason why it is such a complicated thing is because  sex, gender, behaviour and attraction are usually topics that are very hard to teach and learn in an objective mannerEven I have trouble wording this and I am not even teaching it. This may be a very touchy topic for some of you but, as you age, it will start to become more and more “normal“, hopefully, so do not be afraid to question it or to ask for advice about it. One way to encourage positive sex thinking and, surprisingly, to protect the younger generation is to break the stigma and treat it as normal academic topic.

Now think, when was the last time someone told you to love yourself for who you are?

Mentor out.

How Much Does a Shadow Weigh?

Quite interesting…

Once again, Vsauce has amazed me!

Who knew that there is an answer for such a “silly” question.

Do you speak English well?

A little thing I found while exploring through Tumblr:

(I have no intentions of stealing or copying this from the original author. I simply want to share this with the world)

If you can correctly pronounce every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world. After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud. Try them yourself.

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